Harmonic Filter Banks
Harmonic Filter Banks
Harmonic Filter Banks
Having along-term experience in the power harmonic filters, we will help you to make a decision and recommend the optimal choice of the unit, which will best meet your requirements. The engineering department of our company will define the technical characteristic soft he filter, do technical calculations, and offer a design solution, which will facilitate the most cost-beneficial system optimization, raise mechanical efficiency of the loads and their compatibility. Following our recommendations will help you to lengthen the standard service life of our equipment.
We manufacture harmonic filter un its fort hevoltage so f6.3 kV, 10.5 kV, 27 kV, 35 kV with the capacities from 450 to 10 000 kvar and higher in the climatic categories ofU3 (NF, moderate), U1 (NF, moderate), HL1 (F, cold, northern version) intended for specific service conditions.
Our recommendation splace limitationson the harmonic composition of the supply network, total harmonic voltage distortions (THDU) and the maximum currentfor each harmonic. It is believed that the distortions below the required limitations will not damage the electrical equipment of other users and will not overload the electric networks.
A power harmonic filter is a symmetrical three-phase RLC circuit, tuned to the harmonic to be suppressed. Each phase of the filterconsists of filters connected in parallel. Each filter provides compensation of somepartof the converter reactive power and to localizes some part of the harmonic spectrum, generated by the converter.
The filter-compensating unit FCU consists of:
- input unit, designed as a metal cabinet with a circuit breaker, 3 ammeters and protective devices;
- 3 current-limiting reactors, intended for current limiting (one for each phase);
- high-voltage capacitors;
- current transformers.
The equipment of the northern version for filters witht he climatic categoryHL1 (F, cold climate) includes:
- lighting system (luminescent lamps)
- heating system (oil heater)
- fire-control system (powder fire extinguisher)
- ventilation system (4 fan windows, 4 exhaust fans)
Weal so have a unique opportunity to help you solve the problem of distortions in the electric network quickly and efficiently with the aid of three-phase IPF-seriesand one-phase SPC-series active harmonic filters. It isaportable, economical and ready-made system solution, which enables harmonic elimination in the power supply network.
Active harmonic filters IPFprovide:
- selective harmonic compensation;
- harmonic circuit prediction;
- filtration up to the 50th harmonic;
- harmonic coefficient reduction up to 98%;
- reactive power compensation;
- power factor control.
One-phase active harmonic filters make it possible:
- to solve problems arising from power supply quality;
- toavoid nuiscence trips of automatic circuitbreakers;
- to ensure the electricity supply safety and reduce its cost;
- toimprove performance by adding expansion modules.